Diwali Party 2010 Event Pictures
Diwali Party and Summer Picnic are events when all people from the community get together under one roof.
Nov. 7, 2010, Gorel Gaam Patidar Samaj sponsored the Diwali Party 2010. The atmosphere was full of energy and anticipation. The celebration commenced at 5 PM at the Temple Beth-El, 67 US Highway 206, Hillsborough, NJ 08844. The event had a great turnout resulting in an overload of cars in the parking lot. To no suprise, Nov 7, 2010 was Sunday as well as New Year’s Day. Although many of the attendees may have planned to get together for Diwali, New Year''s or Bhai-Bij and may invited their relatives and friends for it. Suprisingly, about 400-500 still participated Chaud Gaam Patidar Samaj which shows high interest in this annual meeting. ..continue